Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Certified Internet Web Professional (CIW) Master Class

I'm delighted to be hosting two CIW masterclasses at Glasgow's Metropolitan College in June.

Presented by Dr James Stanger they are a complete introduction to the Certified Internet Web Professional qualification. The events will focus on
Register here for Tuesday the 23rd of June and here for Wednesday the 24th.

The CIW is also part of the new PDA Award in Web Technologies from the SQA.

I'm greatly indebted to Marjorie Quigley of ComputerPrep for making Dr Stanger available and sponsoring the events.
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Friday, 15 May 2009

Classroom Posters

Google For Educators
Want to help out students and colleagues with handy tips on improving search results and using popular Google products like Google Earth? Just print out these posters and hang them where everyone can see them.

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Second Life + Moodle = Sloodle!

Second Life Social Presence in Virtual Worlds ...Image by VRider goes Web3D via Flickr

Mari Cruz GarcĂ­a who is a Learning Technologist at Carnegie College has created a course explaining how to use virtual worlds in education. She says:
The course I have created is very humble, but I thought that it could be useful for beginners as it illustrates what you can do in Sloodle with very limited budget. The course includes free Linden scripts and objects, as well as a backup copy of the Moodle course. The only object which I couldn't display is the Presenter, until the IT Department can review the firewall settings that are currently blocking it.
I say: she's being modest and you should check this out at:

http://carnegiecollege.ninehub.com/course/view.php?id=7 (self-registration)
Password: tortilla.

The course is also available via SMUG (the Scottish Moodle User Group) at:


Access in Second Life is at:

http://slurl.com/secondlife/Sloodle/14/229/22 and click on the "Registration both" object.

Thanks Mari.

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Monday, 11 May 2009

Adobe ConnectNow

Liquid Acrobat As Regards The Air album coverImage via Wikipedia

If you're looking for a free and easy web conferencing system that allows speech, video, chat and screen sharing and that come from a company with a proven track record - you could do a lot worse than Adobe ConnectNow.

Adobe ConnectNow web conferencing from Acrobat.com
Adobe ConnectNow is a great way to share ideas, discuss details, and complete work together — all online. Reduce travel costs, save time, and increase productivity with a web conferencing solution that's easy to access and simple to use. It's free, so sign up now.

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Friday, 8 May 2009

Surfing Google Earth for Real

YouTube - Hacked Nintendo Wii Balance Board Surfing

Hacked Nintendo Wii Balance Board Surfing

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Plea to minister as secondaries set to abandon computer studies

Greendale Secondary School started operations ...Image via Wikipedia

Is this an isolated incident or the shape of things to come?

Plea to minister as secondaries set to abandon computer studies - Borders Today
SEVERAL secondary schools in the Borders have taken the controversial decision to remove computer studies from their timetabled options and effectively close their departments.

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Thursday, 7 May 2009

Microsoft IT Academy Student Pass

Image representing Microsoft as depicted in Cr...Image via CrunchBase

Microsoft DreamSpark
The Microsoft IT Academy Student Pass is a special no-cost online learning opportunity for students. IT Academy Student Pass provides free e-learning courses to verified students who are interested in extending their technical skills with Microsoft technologies.

The IT Academy Student Pass offers 12 to 22 hours of FREE e-learning courses, aligned to the first set of topics you need to master for the first Microsoft certification exam within the track. Each track is unique, and most will require you to take additional e-learning courses to complete all of the topics you need to succeed on the certification exam.

The goal of the IT Academy Student Pass is to give you a head start by providing hours and hours of rich, award-winning e-learning content that sets the stage for the learning to come.
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Friday, 1 May 2009

Flash training course - June 16th 2009

Adobe Flash CS4 Professional IconImage via Wikipedia

Carnegie College is hosting an Adobe Flash training day for teachers and lecturers on Tuesday 16th June 2009. Aimed at existing Flash users, the course will cover the development of Rich Media Interfaces – integrating images, sound and video with ActionScript and XML to create dynamic, interactive interfaces for websites or applications. The training will be useful for those delivering on current NQ Digital Media Computing, HNC/D Interactive Media and HNC/D Visual Communication courses.

The training will be facilitated by Colin Maxwell, Adobe Education Leader.

Details and contact information at: http://www.maximized.co.uk/flashtraining/

Places are limited, so advance booking is required.

Cost is £80 per person.

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